和田永 ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS! による奇祭《電磁盆踊り(2017)》秘蔵ライブ映像がオンライン型劇場「THEATRE for ALL」にて公開となりました。ZAZEN BOYS 向井秀徳さんを迎えた熱演も初公開。和田永による音声ガイドや5ヶ国語字幕付でご視聴頂けます。是非ご覧ください!
Now you can watch a live video from "Electro-Magnetic Bon Dance(2017)", an electromagnetikpunk festival by ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS! on online theatre THEATRE for ALL.
A passionate performance with with Mr.Shutoku Mukai from ZAZEN BOYS is also released for the first time.
You can watch it for free with subtitles in five languages. Don’t miss it!
(Accessibility: subtitles in Japanese, Simplified Japanese, English, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese)
要登録/視聴無料 │ Register and watch it for free
Watch▶︎ https://theatreforall.net/movie/electronicosfantasticos/
Photo by Mao Yamamoto