Photo by Keizo Kioku
Photo Courtesy: Nissan Art Award
横浜にある「ニッサン パビリオン」で開催中の「日産アートアワード2020 ファイナリストによる新作展」にて、和田永が新作を展示しています。ニコスから派生する新たな挑戦として、昨年から準備を重ねてきたもの。世界5カ所を「作品の概念」が旅することで音楽が始まります。9月22日(祝・火)まで開催中です。是非お越しください。
日産アートアワード2020 ファイナリストによる新作展
会期|2020年8月1日(土)~9月22日(祝・火) *休館日:9月7日(月)
開館時間|月-金 11:00 - 19:00 / 土日 10:00 - 19:00
会場|ニッサン パビリオン(神奈川県横浜市西区みなとみらい6-2-1)
Ei Wada is currently exhibiting his new works at the Nissan Art Award 2020 Finalists' Exhibition in Yokohama, Japan.
Wada is showing his project "ELECTROMAGNETIC ORCHESTRA WITHOUT BORDERS: pre-era", which he has been preparing since last year as a new challenge derived from ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS! This time Wada sent methods and parts for making musical instruments from old appliances to people in five countries who had never met each other before. They filmed a documentary in which the members of each country obtained old home appliances and attempted to create and play the instruments for the first time. These are shown as a five-screen video installation.
Now, in faraway places such as Indonesia, Spain, Colombia and Turkey, sounds are beginning to be heard from home appliances. It also documents the real-life effects of the coronavirus that have prevented packages from reaching Argentina.
Wada and we are also exhibiting a book on the making of these instruments called "How to Make Electromagnetic Instruments". Wada imagines that the Electromagnetic Orchestra could begin with people all over the world making musical instruments out of old appliances.
This is the first experiment and practice. As the "concept of the work" travels to distant places, a small story begins in each place, and music is born.
Nissan Art Award 2020 Finalists Exhibition
Exhibition period|August 1 - September 22, 2020
*Closed: Monday, September 7
Opening hours|Mon - Fri. 11:00 - 19:00 / Sat. Sun. 10:00 - 19:00
Venue|NISSAN PAVILION (Minatomirai 6-2-1, Nishi-ku, Yokohama)
Tickets|Free Admission
Official Website|