Photos by Florian Voggeneder
Photos by Mao Yamamoto
換気扇サイザー│Ventilathesizer (from “ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS!“)[Performance]
A player catches lights passing through ventilators as electric signals with small solar batteries and makes sounds.
Attach light bulbs to the back of ventilators, and replace the fan blades with special made blades. The musical pitch changes depending on the speed of the motor and the number of the blades.
The ventilators lined up in a back alley are a synthesizer.
Created by 和田 永│Ei Wada + Nicos Orchest-Lab
Technical design : 山本 惣一│Soichi Yamamoto
Videos :
換気扇サイザー│Ventilathesizer -Test Playing#1 (2015)
換気扇サイザー│Ventilathesizer -Test Playing#2 (2015)
ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS! ~初合奏遭遇篇~│-First Ensemble Encounter- (2015)
ISSEY MIYAKE 2016 A/W Show -Live Music by Ei Wada with The Ventilathesizer
換気扇サイザー│The Ventilathesizer LIVE @ Ars Electronica 2016