Photos by Mao Yamamoto
黒電話リズムマシン│Black Teleringer (from "ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS!") [Performance]
This rhythm machine is played by electronically controlling the ringing of a black telephone. It is possible to play different rhythmic patterns and change the timbre by digitally controlling the tempo and directly touching the bell. Placing the telephone receiver down makes the bell ring, while picking up the receiver stops the ringing. Varying tempos and patterns are preset into the dial, which are read when the dial is turned. The receiver can also become a microphone for singing and rapping. Future plans include gathering a large number of telephones, each with different timbres, and ringing them to create a Showa-era call center-style performance.
Created by 和田 永│Ei Wada + 武井 祐介│Yusuke Takei + Nicos Orchest-Lab
Thanks to 山元 史朗│Shiro Yamamoto, 池田 絢子│Ayako Ikeda
Video :
ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS! ~初合奏遭遇篇~│-First Ensemble Encounter- (2005)