Photos by Haruka Yoshida
時折織成 -落下する記録│Toki Ori Ori Nasu -Falling Records[Installation]
In this work, while reel-to-reel tape recorders placed on high pedestals play low frequency sound recorded on the tapes, the magnetic tapes fall down into acrylic receptacles. The tapes that accumulate in the containers pile up as time passes by and weave unique patterns in the spaces. When the tapes stack up in the containers over time, the tape recorders start to rewind the tapes at high speed, this time revealing that the same signal that generated the low frequency sound can be read as a musical piece as if to ring a time signal or decipher a code. The previous patterns disappear and other patterns will start to be woven.
Created by 和田 永│Ei Wada
【The Story of Falling Records】
In the morning, the banging of a drum reverberates through the back-alleys.
It is in fact not a drum though, but the sound of the rice dealer's own way of repairing his malfunctioning rice mill by banging against it every morning.
Today everyone in town knows the sound of this wake-up call, and before long the rice dealer's mill even came to be used as a drum in the street carnival.
It was around the same time that they unearthed a rotary magnetic recorder as it was used for sound recording back in the 20th century.
People with a great interest in the phenomenon of accumulated time turning into volume have erected a giant tower of electronicos in the square.
"Electronicos" is what the "electronics" that human civilization once created morphed into, casting away the manual, and draping itself in a smell of new culture instead.
In the evening hours, the magnetic material starts falling down as it rotates and plays music, drawing shapes and patterns with time.
"Look, the 20th century is tumbling down! Down like a waterfall..."
This is how people scream in the face of this sound and scenery.
"Electronicos Fantasticos!"
Video :
時折織成 -落下する記録-│Toki Ori Ori Nasu -Falling Records- (2013)