Photos by Mao Yamamoto
家電電楽 x 雅楽│Electromagnetic Music x Gagaku (from “ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS!“)[Performance]
Collaboration project between Electromagnetic Music by home appliances and the oldest orchestra in Japan, Gagaku.
The CRT instruments that send images at a rate of 60 per second have a standard pitch of 480Hz, a multiple of 60.
It is not tuned to the international standard A=440Hz, making it difficult to ensemble with existing instruments.
But by a strange coincidence, the pitch of the Japanese ancient music Gagaku was almost the same as it.
This project attempts to fuse the ancient waves with the electric age waves.
Ei Wada x Nicos Orchest-Lab x 多度雅楽会│Tado Gagaku Kai
The score of an original song
『電磁饗宴篇 –In The Electromagnetic Feast』Trailer ⛩🐉⚡️ (2023)
The Miracle of Tuning 調律の奇跡 ⛩ - The moment when the ancient wave and the electric age wave coincided