Photo by Florian Voggeneder
扇風琴│Electric Fan Harp (from “ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS!“)[Performance]
もしエレキギターの神様、Jimi Hendrixが扇風機を演奏するとしたら?という妄想を出発点に生まれた楽器。
This instrument was based on the wild idea "What if Jimi Hendrix, the god of electric guitars, played electric fans as instruments?"
A player catches the light passing through an electric fan as electric signals with a Light-Pick and makes sounds from a guitar / bass amplifier.
A light bulb and a guitar strap are attached to the fan, and the fan blade is replaced with a special-made disc with holes. The musical pitch changes depending on the number of the holes on the disc and the speed of the fan.
The player holds the electric fan upside-down and swings the neck.
Members (in KENPOKU 2016) : 和田 永│Ei Wada, 鷲見 倫一│Rinichi Washimi, 玉守 ヒロト│Horoto Tamamori, 田中 啓介│Keisuke Tanaka
Members (in 2017) : 和田 永│Ei Wada, 鷲見 倫一│Rinichi Washimi, 武井 めぐみ│Megumi Takei, 田中 啓介│Keisuke Tanaka, 吉田 匡│Masaru Yoshida
Members (in 2018) : 和田 永│Ei Wada, 鷲見 倫一│Rinichi Washimi, 吉田 匡│Masaru Yoshida, 安宅 晃│Akira Ataka
Created by 和田 永│Ei Wada, 武井 祐介│Yusuke Takei, 鷲見 倫一│Rinichi Washimi, 高橋 龍太│Ryuta Takahashi, 出沼 真由美│Mayumi Idenuma
Thanks to Nicos Orchest-Lab
Photo by Mao Yamamoto
Photo by Mao Yamamoto
Photo by Florian Voggeneder
Photo by Florian Voggeneder
Photos by Mao Yamamoto
Videos :
Electric Fan Harp in the bathhouse (2022)
Electric Fan Harp @ ARS ELECTRONICA 2019
Electric Fan Harp Sound Check @ ARS ELECTRONICA 2019
Hertz Waltz Jamming 電電楽 (2022)
電磁祭囃子 in NEO TOKYO 2020
Electric Fan Quartette 2017
Prototype @ KENPOKU 2016